Blood Moon

Blood Moon


It was 2 a:m

He was driving home

He saw a lady desperately flagging down his car

He is a Lagos boy

Tales of the horror experienced by good Samaritans flooded his memory

He raced past her

Seconds later

He saw a car crash site

He slowed down

He reversed and picked her

He: Sorry Madam, what is the problem?

She: (Gasping) My brake failed!

He: Wow! Hope you are okay

She: I will be when I get home, it has been a horrible day.

They talked till they got to her house in Lekki,

they exchanged numbers

He left.

A week later, she called him

She: I am sorry I didn’t call before now

He: I was not even expecting you to call at all

She: Wow! Did I leave you with such a bad impression?

He: No, it is not about you. It is about Lagos and its sharks

They met at Rhapsody the next day

They started meeting from then on

Twice or thrice a week

One year raced by

Friends and colleagues see them as a couple

They talked about marriage

He proposed

They picked a date

His folks were abroad

They started arriving

The wedding day was a week away

They needed to do rehearsals

They had a 10 a.m  appointment

He didn’t show up

She waited

1 hour, 5 hours!!!

She left the rehearsal venue

Drove towards his house

Saw him driving into a hotel

A lady beside him

How dare he CHEAT ON HER!!!

Drove in after him

She waited for him to alight from his car

Came down and slammed him three hot slaps

Tore his clothes

Bit him

Everybody tried to restrain her

She was berserk!

Every time he opened his mouth to speak she went mad and rushed at him

He eventually stopped trying

She drove away

He didn’t call

His mother did through her landline

The lady with him is his immediate younger sister

Just flew in from Ireland

Her flight was delayed for hours due to a volcano eruption

He had been waiting for her at the airport for 18 hours

Didn't she see his messages?

She didn’t believe it

She checked her mobile phone

It had been on flight mode

She didn’t even know-how

She removed the flight mode, messages poured in

She was gobsmacked!

How stupid she was!

To slap him before his sister

His family

How would she ever face him again?

She didn’t

She wanted to but her pride wouldn’t let her

He didn’t reach out also

He was convinced she is an abusive person whose excesses got revealed to him before he made a fatal mistake

She says it was a moment of madness that she will forever regret

He got married a year later

She heard about it from a friend

She didn't believe he married someone else

Didn't he say he loves her?

Isn't love supposed to cover a multitude of sins and errors?

Why didn't he come looking for her?

7 years later, she is still asking questions.